About me:
Welcome to my personal gallery site!
My name is actually pronounced “Chan”, my website URL came from an intentional endearing mispronunciation by some of my crazy college colleagues.
I’ve always liked drawing, but my interests really started taking off in college when I started creating graphics and advertisements for student organizations. Getting that sweet sweet student discount on the Adobe Creative Suite was my gateway into digital design. After college, I tried to maintain my artsy hobbies, and this website is primarily a collection of some of my favorite works from over the years.
Main tools of the trade are Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, graphite, paper, and my automated paper cutters.
Outside of the Arts:
Here are some quick autobiographical notes:
Born in a fertile floodplain in the middle of nowhere in the middle kingdom. (I’m still fluent in Chinese)
Learned English by watching The Simpsons and Arthur (I’m a huge fan of slice of life and ironic humor)
First computer game was Caesar III (Video games have defined my tech-centric obsessions)
After I finished my degree in Biochemistry, I did the most logical next step and went into IT operations at my local university. It was there I developed an interest in network monitoring, process automation, and technical documentation (yeah, seriously...). Also during that time, I started watching the Anime: Space Brothers, SpaceX started doing crazy space stuff and I got into this game called Kerbal Space Program. That triumvirate rekindled my childhood-dream of working for the space industry.
It was that time I decided to move to Florida to pursue that dream, and I was fortunate enough to have the privilege of working as a communication systems engineer for a world class orbital launch provider. After a few years I transitioned to one of those hip new space startups to see if I can contribute my efforts to this exciting new goal of expanding the human experience to the rest of the universe.
During my spare time, besides art projects, I read, play the piano, and repeatedly type 'WASD' in seemingly random order.